Research conducted by INOVASI at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed that school closures significantly led to less effective learning and decreased the overall quality of education. The decline in the quality of education can be observed through the decrease in student achievement and a widening gap between students’ skills and the expected standards between the expected standards and students’ skills. On the one hand, these findings are essential for describing the emerging impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, these data are unable to predict the further impact and contribution of government policies in mitigating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The current learning recovery study by INOVASI was conducted to analyse student’s academic performance two years after the COVID-19 pandemic. The data collection involved 4,103 early-grade students, 69 school principals, and 360 teachers in 69 schools across seven districts in four INOVASI partner provinces. Prior to this data collection, data was gathered in the same schools before and one year after the COVID-19 pandemic. A Student Learning Assessment (SLA) instrument was used to measure students’ learning performance in literacy and numeracy. Similar to previous studies, the learning performance was evaluated through two key indicators: learning loss and learning gap. The learning loss phenomenon was generally observed through two results: First, loss of competencies that were previously mastered, and second, the decline in students’ ability to learn more complex materials. Meanwhile, the learning gap refers to the gap between the expected learning standards and targets and students’ actual learning performance.
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