In North Kalimantan Province, the INOVASI program was officially launched on December 12, 2017 at the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jakarta. In Phase I, the program was implemented in two districts, namely Bulungan and Malinau. The success of the early grade literacy pilot in the two districts attracted the attention of Tana Tidung District to develop a similar program. At the end of 2019, Tana Tidung - with self-financing, replicated the early grade literacy pilot program. In Phase I, as part of the efforts to improve early grade literacy skills, INOVASI used a distinctive approach called Problem Driven Iterative Adaptation (PDIA). This approach is designed to explore challenges, find local solutions, and pilot them until they successfully work. In North Kalimantan, this approach is applied to improve the quality of learning, strengthen the reading culture, and provide special services for children who are slow in reading. In the implementation, the district governments not only apply the approach in schools but also collaborates with the community.

In North Kalimantan, the final assessment results from the early grade literacy pilot program showed an increase in basic literacy skills in early grade students, from only 60 per cent in 2017 to 87 per cent in 2019. The basic literacy test is a test of recognizing letters, syllables, and words which has been carried out to 144 grade 2 primary school students in 2017, which was then continued in 2019 to the same students when they were in grade 4 primary school.
The province has also succeeded in developing the capacity of 208 local facilitators (179 people in Bulungan District and 29 people in Malinau District) to implement teacher capacity building through Teacher Working Groups (KKG), particularly on the topic of early grade literacy. The facilitators consist of supervisors, principals, and the best teachers from each school and cluster.
There are around 648 teachers, 224 principals, and supervisors involved in the implementation of the program, carried out in partnership with 216 schools which have an impact on strengthening the learning activities of 12,246 early grade students. In North Kalimantan, through the INOVASI program, there are more than 20,000 children’s story books provided and distributed to various schools, regional libraries, and Community Reading Parks (TBM) in order to support the improvement of reading culture. Not only by INOVASI, the books were also donated by various parties such as the provincial government, local government, CSR, and the community.
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