Children in Indonesia face an invisible threat. Their home, the world’s largest archipelagic natio...
DetailsPutri is a student with emotional difficulties that affect her learning. However, thanks to respon...
DetailsIn Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara, Mrs. Astuti, a 39-year-old teacher, teaches mathematics with enthusi...
DetailsSiti Saudah—a teacher from Pati, Central Java, now entrusted as the Principal of SD Inpres Langira...
DetailsBehind his friendly smile, Muhammadun, S.Pd., the Principal of SD Peduli Anak, is passionate about c...
DetailsHead of Educational Standards, Curriculum and Assessment Agency (BSKAP) of MoERT, Anindito Aditomo p...
DetailsPak Otnel, a teacher at SDN 004 Mentarang Hulu, Malinau Regency, is highly concerned about the liter...
DetailsBanyak cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa. Ibu Heppy guru ...