East Nusa Tenggara

The implementation of the INOVASI program in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) Province is carried out in all districts on the island of Sumba, namely Southwest Sumba, West Sumba, Central Sumba, and East Sumba. The launch of the program in the NTT Province was carried out on November 2, 2017 through the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the NTT Provincial Government, namely the Governor of NTT, Drs. Frans Lebu Raya, with the Ministry of Education and Culture, represented by the Head of the Research and Development Agency (Balitbang), Ir. Totok Suprayitno, Ph.D.

Literacy, Books & Language Transition
Disability & Inclusion
Teacher Quality Improvement
Character Education
Cross-cutting Planning & Policy Support
Curriculum & Assessment

During Phase I, INOVASI and its partners implemented 10 different programs according to the context of each partner district. The ten programs were Guru BAIK (Aspirational, Inclusive, and Contextual Learning), Early Grade Literacy 1, Early Grade Literacy 2, Early Grade Numeracy, Leadership in Learning, Multi-Grade Teaching, Balanced Reading, Child-Friendly Libraries, Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (PMBBI), and Inclusive Education. The last four programs were implemented in partnership with organizations such as the Sulinama Foundation, the Suluh Insan Lestari Foundation, the Indonesian Children’s Literacy Foundation, the CIS Timor Association, and the Rainbow Reading Garden Foundation.

Through these ten programs, INOVASI reached 129 SD/MI, trained 1,037 early grade teachers through 140 trained local facilitators (Fasda), provided 71,948 children’s story books which were distributed through 179 reading corners, and in libraries which had an impact on 21,197 early grade students. INOVASI also trained 22 school principals and contributed to the birth of 5 inclusive villages. Through these programs, students who master basic literacy skills increased 1.5 times (150%) from the initial study. Students who are fluent in reading can read with 93% accuracy. This is because more than 90% of teachers have mastered teaching basic literacy which is supported by 92% of partner primary schools having policies that support literacy programs. In addition, 100% of elementary school principals in West Sumba have carried out academic supervision. At the policy level, INOVASI also encourages and contributes to the birth of policies that support the improvement of the quality of education such as the bupati’s regulation on the implementation of the literacy movement & the bupati’s instructions on mapping & improving the basic literacy skills of early grade students in West Sumba, aligning district budget planning (RPJMD) and regional budget planning (Renstra) in Central Sumba, and integration of the Grand Design and Educational and Cultural Roadmap of NTT Province, into the RPJMD and Renstra of the education offices in West Sumba, East Sumba, and Nagekeo (Revised RPJMD). The local government has also disseminated INOVASI programs using the APBD since 2018 and reached 244 SD/MI, and 1,655 early grade teachers which had an impact on 29,760 early grade students.

In Phase II, INOVASI supports the The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology’s efforts to support learning recovery due to the COVID-19 situation by implementing a Special Curriculum in a number of schools in four districts in Sumba as well as learning management during the pandemic in Nagekeo District in Flores. INOVASI also continued the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (PMBBI) Program in East Sumba and Nagekeo Districts and built a new partnership with Sekolah Abdi Kasih Bangsa (SAKB) for the implementation of the Character Education program in West Sumba. In total, the programs in Phase II reached 65 SD/MI, and 10 PAUD by training 69 local facilitators, and 322 teachers, which will have an impact on 4,628 students. At the same time, the Nagekeo District Government adopted the Early Grade Literacy program and scaled it to all SD/MI (76) with the support of 50 local facilitators (Fasda) and 228 early grade teachers through 14 KKG forums. The program’s scaling has an impact on 3,345 early-grade students.


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