In Phase I, INOVASI worked in six districts, namely Central Lombok, North Lombok, West Sumbawa, Sumbawa, Dompu and Bima. Phase II of the program began in July 2020. In NTB Province, the Phase II of the program is being implemented in three districts, namely Central Lombok, East Lombok and Bima, and carried out by involving three universities; In Central Lombok, INOVASI collaborated with Universitas Mataram in running the Semua Anak Cerdas (SAC) program. In East Lombok INOVASI partnered with IAI Hamzanwadi NW Pancor to run the Madrasah Unggul Anak Hebat (MAULANA) program. Meanwhile in Kabupaten Bima, STKIP Taman Siswa is INOVASI’s partner in implementing the Gerakan Masyarakat Sadar (GEMAR) Literasi program.
NTB Province initiated the Literacy Volunteer (RELASI) program, a collaborative program between the Association of Lecturers of Teacher Training Institute (LPTK) of NTB Province and the NTB Reading Consortium (KNTBM) which is implemented with facilitation from INOVASI. This program is aimed at strengthening the competence of volunteers in maintaining and improving the literacy skills of primary school students in an inclusive manner, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is carried out throughout the Province of NTB. Phase I of the RELASI program was carried out in August-November 2020 with five LPTKs and five NGOs, and showed a positive response from stakeholders.
To support the government in implementing distance learning or home learning (BDR) during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Association of Lecturers of LPTK of NTB Province and the KNTBM – with the support of the INOVASI, mobilized volunteers to be involved. INOVASI facilitated the training and debriefing sessions for the volunteers. In Sumbawa District, the Literacy Volunteer Program is implemented by the Teacher Training and Pedagogical College (STKIP) Paracendekia.