Once the project was initiated in East Java, INOVASI conducted this baseline study to investigate the social and political context of basic education in the area. The study focuses on seven issues: (a) local stakeholders’ perception of education quality; (b) primary education issues and challenges; (c) government programs and policies to overcome the challenges; (d) promising practices or innovations in primary education; (e) local stakeholders’ views about teachers’ working group (KKG) activities in each district; (f) opportunities to use the village funds to improve the quality of education; and (g) the development planning meetings (musrenbang) to support primary education quality improvement programs. This baseline study applied qualitative research methods to meet its objectives. We collected data about the situation of basic education from the perspectives of local stakeholders through interviews and focus group discussions. We conducted a literature review to identify the current policies and programs relating to education at the national and local levels. The current policies and legal documents included in this review were identified during interviews and through electronic searches and other information channels.

This baseline report presents the issues and challenges of basic education in East Java and makes recommendations for INOVASI’s future interventions.

Full report can be download through the button below.