For their achievement and innovation in Bela Sang Raja, the District Government of Probolinggo received an award from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform (Kemen-PAN dan RB) of the Republic of Indonesia.
The award was given by Prof. Dr. Diah Natalisa, the Deputy of Public Service from the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform to the Regent of Probolinggo, Hj. P. Tantriana Sari, S.E., on Friday, November 13, 2020 at The Singhasari Resort, Kota Batu, Malang, East Java. The presentation award was also attended by Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, the Governor of East Java and Emil Dardak, Vice Governor of East Java.
During the ceremony, the Regent of Probolinggo, Tantriana was accompanied by Fathur Rozi, the Head of Education Office of Probolinggo District and Anna Maria D.S, the Head of the Organization Section of the Regional Secretariat of Probolinggo District.
The Governor of East Java, Hj. Khofifah Indar Parawansa, explained the innovation which was implemented by each Regional Organization Tool or Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) in East Java aims to help society to feel a level of quickness, effectiveness, and efficiency in each service.
“This award is given as a motivation in order to improve quality as well as to provide simple, fast, and affordable public services. Therefore, bureaucracy is always asked to be more creative and innovative in order to improve its quality of services,” said the Khofifah. This multigrade teaching itself was also posted on website of the innovation research and development of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
The Regent of Probolinggo, Hj. P. Tantriana Sari, S.E., said that the award is dedicated to all teachers and educational personnel of the Probolinggo Regency.
“With this award, it will inspire all educational personnel to continue to improve the quality of education in Probolinggo Regency,” said Tantriana.
Fathur Rozi, the Head of the Education Office of Probolinggo Regency, said that the multigrade teaching model stemmed from the cooperation between the District Government of Probolinggo and INOVASI program by demonstrating the multigrade teaching pilot program in eight small schools in the Sukapura area of Probolinggo. This multigrade teaching method has enlightened and benefited teachers who work in a school with only a few students and a limited number of teachers. By using the multigrade teaching method, the issue of lack of teachers is addressed, in which the limited number of teachers could teach more than one class at the same time. Currently, the concept of multigrade teaching has been scaled out to other small areas in the Probolinggo Regency to address the lack of teachers in remote areas.