This is why Nurul took the initiative to create a medium called the “Smart Literacy Board” to help her students arrange words to form a sentence.
The Smart Literacy Board is made of a used board; Nurul puts a nail at the center of the board to arrange words into sentences. She asks each student to make a word card that constitutes a subject, verb, and object by using cardboard and markers.
The word cards are then collected into a pile. Each student takes a turn making a sentence in the format of subject-verb-object (S-V-O) on the Smart Literacy Board using the word cards in the pile. The other students are asked to observe and write down as many sentences as they can by using their friend’s words on the Smart Literacy Board.
Positive changes have taken place since Nurul has started using this learning medium. Nurul has noticed that the Smart Literacy Board game has really helped the children to improve their reading. She notes that they are also able to learn about the subject-verb-object format in a sentence.
The success of using the Smart Literacy Board is evident; out of the 30 grade one students, in which 12 could previously not read properly, there only three students who are unable to read smoothly and who require special assistance.