Education is the Key to the Nation’s Future. To realise the vision of a Golden Indonesia in 2045, we need a young generation that is intelligent, creative, and of strong character. Therefore, a comprehensive and sustainable education roadmap is crucial.
The Indonesian Education Roadmap 2025-2045 is a more detailed formulation of the policies outlined in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045. It will serve as the primary reference for developing education policies in the Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN), ministerial/agency strategic plans, and regional development plans. Moreover, this roadmap can guide stakeholders in working together to improve the quality of education. Thus, it can ensure synchronisation and alignment of education policies at the central and regional levels.
This roadmap was developed through a participatory and collaborative process involving relevant ministries, regional governments, teacher organisations, education providers, Islamic boarding schools (pesantren), teachers, school and madrasah heads, higher education institutions, and education practitioners. Development partners such as INOVASI, Tanoto Foundation, PSPK, and UNICEF were also involved.
The development process involved focused discussion forums and both offline and online public consultation forums to ensure the roadmap aligns with the needs for achieving Indonesia’s education goals. Education development is built on four interconnected pillars:
- Equitable access to education to ensure that every citizen, regardless of socioeconomic background or geographic location, has an equal opportunity to access quality education.
- Holistic and contextual quality education to guarantee teaching and learning processes that meet the essential needs and develop the potential of each learner.
- Relevance of education to national development goals to ensure education can develop high-quality and competitive human resources aligned with national development objectives.
- Participatory and accountable education governance based on strengthening management systems and collaboration in education provision to build a participatory, professional, accountable education ecosystem that supports a learning environment and the well-being of education community members.
The Indonesian Education Roadmap 2025-2045 has several key focuses, including accelerating 13 years of compulsory education. This means every Indonesian child is entitled to 13 years of quality education.
Additionally, the roadmap targets increasing participation in higher education and ensuring improved quality of graduates in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields.
Another game-changer is the restructuring of integrated teacher management authority to ensure the availability of quality teachers evenly, thus facilitating more effective learning processes.
This Education Roadmap is not merely a planning document but a guide for concrete steps to build a national civilisation by producing individuals who are devout and God-fearing, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, skilled, creative, independent, and good citizens, as the foundation for building a democratic and civilised society.
Let’s work together to realise a Golden Indonesia in 2045 through quality education!