The second meeting of the INOVASI Phase 3 National Steering Committee was held on Wednesday, 18 September 2024, at the Ministry of Religious Affairs to discuss the progress and implementation plans of the INOVASI 3 program. The meeting was attended by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) – The Australian Embassy in Jakarta, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (MoECRT), the Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoRA), the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, and the INOVASI team.

Hannah Derwent, Counsellor for Human Development – DFAT, in her remarks at the Second Meeting of the INOVASI Phase 3 National Steering Committee held at the Ministry of Religious Affairs, stated that to achieve quality and inclusive education for all Indonesian children, strong partnerships between central and local governments, universities, civil society organizations, and the community are needed.

“The Australian Government is proud to be part of this collaborative effort and to continue bringing together various stakeholders to help develop locally-driven solutions,” said Hannah Derwent at the end of her remarks.

Before officially opening the meeting, Prof. Dr. H. Abu Rokhmad M.Ag., Director General of Islamic Education – MoRA, expressed his appreciation for the support from the Australian Government through the INOVASI program in the ongoing transformation of madrasas.

“The madrasa transformation program is very much in line with the main objectives of the INOVASI program, which is to improve student learning outcomes, especially in the foundational learning aspects of literacy, numeracy, and character,” said Prof. Dr. H. Abu Rokhmad M.Ag. as the co-chair of the Second Meeting of the INOVASI Phase 3 National Steering Committee.

Also present at the meeting was Anindito Aditomo, S.Psi., M.Phil., Ph.D, Head of the Agency for Standards, Curriculum, and Assessment of Education – MoECRT, as well as the co-chair of the Second Meeting of the INOVASI Phase 3 National Steering Committee, who expressed his hope that the spirit of collaboration in the education ecosystem that has been built through the INOVASI Program can continue to be strengthened to support new government policies. He also emphasized that the INOVASI Program has an important role in facilitating this collaboration and ensuring that the goals of education transformation continue to be pursued.

Meanwhile, INOVASI’s Program Director, Mark Heyward, presented the progress and implementation plans of the INOVASI 3 program. INOVASI Phase 3 will work in districts/cities in six provinces in Indonesia, namely West Java, East Java, North Kalimantan, East Nusa Tenggara, and West Nusa Tenggara, including special support to the Nusantara Capital Authority (OIKN).