Hardiyanto Ishaka, S.Pd. SD., did not want the learning process that took place among teachers to stop when the INOVASI mentoring program in the Dompu district ended. “It would be a shame if the knowledge I received from INOVASI were not transmitted to my fellow teachers,” Hardiyanto said.
Hardiyanto’s love for the education is evident from his seriousness in pursuing his profession as a teacher. He has served as a teacher at SDN 2 Dompu state elementary school since 2015. Not only does he teach knowledge to his students, he also shares good teaching practices and knowledge with his professional colleagues through the Independent KKG activities in Cluster II Dompu. The Independent KKG in Cluster II Dompu covers five schools: SDN 2 Dompu state elementary school (Core School), SDN 7 state elementary school, SDN 13 state elementary school, SDN 15 Dompu state elementary school, and SD IT Imam Bukhari (Induced School) Integrated Islamic elementary school.
Hardiyanto’s initiative to independently establish a KKG was born out of his concern when the Dompu district Cluster II was inactive. He felt that the four teacher competencies (professionalism, pedagogic, social, and personality) required improvement.
He took action by initiating a meeting to discuss the issue. With the assistance of the Principal of SDN 2 Dompu, Hardiyanto invited the school principals and teachers who were members of Cluster II, to form a new KKG management. On 17 January 2019, a board of management for the Independent KKG was formed in Cluster II Dompu. By a democratic vote, Hardiyanto was elected chairman.
“In implementing the activities of the KKG Cluster II in Dompu, I applied what I had learned through the BERSAMA pilot program implementation in the Pajo district. I used the basic literacy training materials,” said Hardiyanto.
The activation of the KKG received support from many parties—especially from the Education, Youth and Sports Office of Dompu and the school principals and teachers of the cluster members. The operational funding support for the KKG is obtained from the School Operational Assistance (Bantuan Operasional Sekolah, or BOS) funds as a results of the board meeting. The principal of each cluster set a policy to budget the KKG activities in the School Revenue and Expenditure Budget Plan (RAPBS). To date, the KKG in Cluster II Dompu has compiled a working program and, on 26 January 2019, conducted initial literacy training.
Apart from being a teacher and chairman of the Independent KKG of the Cluster II Dompu, Hardiyanto is also entrusted as a regional facilitator (fasilitator daerah, or Fasda) for the Literacy and Community Involvement (BERSAMA) pilot program. INOVASI pilot programs aims to increase student literacy and reduce absenteeism in the early grades.
As a regional facilitator, Hardiyanto has participated in various activities, such as the basic literacy training and providing assistance to teachers.
“As a Fasda, I try to motivate and inspire teachers by providing examples of the application of literate classes, such as how to make Big Books and the application of phonological awareness,” said Hardiyanto, who is an outstanding teacher.
Hardiyanto has received many awards for his achievements, including the Best/Favorite Teacher in the Pekat district in 2005, the Award for the Achievement and Dedication as a Remote Elementary School Teacher at the Dompu Regency Level (2006), Second Place in the Dompu Regency Level Teacher Creativity Contest (2007), and the title of Finalist for the Idol Teacher (2009).
When it comes to the sustainability and contribution of the INOVASI program’s assistance in the Dompu regency, Hardiyanto stated, “I hope INOVASI will continue to provide assistance for teachers in the KKG regarding new knowledge that supports teacher activities in the learning process.”