During the visit, Mr Cox had the opportunity to observe the implementation of the Government of Australia’s Innovation for Indonesia’s School Children (INOVASI) Program, meeting with local partner teachers, principals, supervisors and government representatives.
Through the INOVASI Program, the governments of Australia and Indonesia are partnering to understand how to improve literacy and numeracy learning in primary schools, especially the early grades, through strengthening classroom teaching practice, improving support to teachers and ensuring that all children in the classroom are able to learn.
“The Australian and Indonesian governments have been working together for more than 10 years to strengthen the education system in Indonesia and INOVASI is the latest example of our partnership,” said Mr Cox.
“INOVASI pilot activities in East Java are finding out what does and doesn’t work to improve teaching and learning in schools. Strengthening literacy learning outcomes in classrooms can contribute to building Indonesia’s human capital for the future.”
Probolinggo is one of five INOVASI partner districts/cities in East Java. Other partners include Sidoarjo, Pasuruan, Sumenep, and Batu City.
INOVASI’s engagement with Probolinggo began in 2017, through an education innovation stock take, which highlighted examples of teaching and learning innovation in districts like Probolinggo. INOVASI pilots in Probolinggo focus on early grade literacy and multi-grade teaching and learning. In Probolinggo, INOVASI is also partnering with Kolaborasi Literasi Bermakna (KLB) to implement an early grade literacy pilot.
During Wednesday’s school visit, teachers from Sukapura and Paiton sub-districts showcased their teaching innovations and tools. Teachers from INOVASI’s multi-grade pilot in Sukapura showed how they can now differentiate student learning and teach two grades in the one classroom, at the same time. Meanwhile, teachers from the early grade literacy pilot shared ideas like the ‘Klink Baca’ or ‘Reading Clinic’ – a place where children who have difficulty reading can go to strengthen their skills. This is a new idea implemented by the school.