The Language Bridge method serves to address the learning needs in regions that experience language challenges. Through the INOVASI training and mentoring program, teachers in the Bima regency, West Nusa Tenggara, are continuously trained for several months until they are able to independently practice this particular method as they teach, especially in the early grades. Teachers have even developed several creative learning activities based on the Language Bridge method. One of these teachers is Sunardin, S.Pd., a teacher at SDN 6 Sila state elementary school.
Panduba or Papan Dua Bahasa (Two-Language Board), is a learning medium that Sunardin created to introduce his students in the early grades to a concept of a word by using the Language Bridge method. In general, using the Panduba is similar to using a language dictionary, where the students are first introduced to the words in the local language, Mbojo. Afterwards, they are introduced to the Indonesian words. Interestingly, using the Panduba is more like playing a game.
When using Panduba, the names of objects or activities in Mbojo are posted on the board. However, these words are not accompanied by images that depict those words. The lessons are conducted according to the theme, and Sunardin first introduces the words that are posted on the Panduba. He keeps the images for these words in a separate container, either in a jar or a small box.
After conducting the lesson in the local language, Sunardin calls his students one by one to come to the front of the class. Each student takes a picture from the jar or a box and is asked to post the picture on the Panduba. Of course, the picture should be posted next to the correct word. By doing so, this demonstrates the student’s understanding of that word.
The Panduba has two sides. On one side, it has words in Mbojo. On the other side, there are the Indonesian words with the same meaning. The words in both languages are positioned randomly on both sides of the Panduba. Words that have the same meaning are placed in different positions. This is to ensure that when posting the pictures of the objects in Indonesian, the students truly understand the concepts and meanings of both pictures and words rather than having memorized the position of the words.
When conducting learning activities while using the Panduba, all of the students have the opportunity to come to the front of the class to post a picture next to a word. In order for every student to get a turn, Sunardin provides as many pictures and words as possible.
“By using this learning aid, I am not only training or teaching children about the concept and meaning of words but also boosting their self-confidence to come to the front of the class. From there, I can see which students already understand the concept and meaning of words and which students still need help,” explained Sunardin ending his story.