The Workshop on Strengthening Literacy and Numeracy in Classroom Management was held by the Gresik District Education Office on September 22, 2022. The activity, which was held in the Hall of the Gresik District Education Office, was also held to appreciate the Inspirational Principal and Teacher Competition during the Pandemic Period for Primary-Junior High School Level in 2022. A total of 109 Primary and Junior High School Principals in Gresik District and Deputy Principals for Curriculum Affairs participated in the activity.
Andi Suyono, the Head of the Teacher Quality Section of the Gresik District Education Office, officiated at the opening ceremony of the activity. In his remarks, he conveyed the importance of strengthening literacy and numeracy in relation to the Implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM). “We all know that literacy and numeracy are important components of IKM. And the key to successful implementation of IKM in schools, both primary and junior high schools, is the principals. No matter how complete the facilities provided, if there is no support from the principals, it will be in vain. Likewise, if the principals do not understand the substance of numeracy and literacy, they will not be successful in making changes in their schools,” said Andi.
The activity continued with material related to growth mindset facilitated by the Islamic Education Specialist of the INOVASI program, Juprianto. The Head of the Basic Education Division of the Gresik District Education Office, Nur Maslichah, specifically requested that the materials be provided to primary and junior high school principals in Gresik District.
“When I attended the workshop held by Muhammadiyah of Gresik District, I saw that the given material on growth mindset was very good, it reminded me of the teacher’s main role and duties as educators, who are there not to be served, but to serve, whether it’s serving teachers, students, or parents,” said Nur Maslichah.
In the activity, as it turned out, the growth mindset material provided was able to arouse the participants’ emotions. Some of the participants even shed tears. Dwi Indah, a teacher from Dukun Sub-district, Gresik, said that she experienced a similar incident when she saw an inspirational video that was played during the activity. “Actually, a teacher does not need to be given gifts or awards. A sincere thank you from students is enough to make a teacher feel really appreciated,” explained Dwi.
After the material on growth mindset, material on strengthening literacy and numeracy was also given by the Coordinator of Muhammadiyah Gresik, Tineke. The material presented by Tineke for 2 hours made all participants want to learn more about literacy and numeracy.
Nur Maslichah, Head of the Basic Education Division of the Gresik District Education Office, also promised to organize a training for literacy and numeracy trainers (ToT).