Madrasah Working Group (Kelompok Kerja Madrasah, or KKM) of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri (MIN) 2 of West Lombok organized a briefing on the Implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka (IKM) for teachers from a number of private madrasah under its auspices. This briefing was aimed for madrasah teachers and principals to have sufficient knowledge about Kurikulum Merdeka and to be able to apply its principles in learning in the classroom. There were around 60 madrasah teachers and principals who were trained in the activity which took place at the West Lombok District SKB Building. It is planned that the training would last for four days and be interspersed with the application of the initial material given.

In addition to local madrasah supervisors, this training also involved a number of learning district facilitators from Central Lombok district as presenters. The experiences and lessons learned from the district facilitators accompanying schools and madrasah in Central Lombok in implementing the principles of Kurikulum Merdeka were of course very valuable to share with madrasah teachers and principals who participated in this training.

The principal of Min 2 of West Lombok, Lalu Wirsa, S.Pd., shared that this training was the aspiration of teachers from various madrasah members of KKM. Some time ago in their meeting, they expressed their desire to be prepared for the birth of the new policy, Kurikulum Merdeka. They hope that when the new curriculum policy is officially implemented, they will be more prepared and able to implement it optimally.

The voices of KKM members were then followed up and voiced by Lalu Wirsa to the madrasah supervisor in his area. Their wish was then well received by the supervisor. Some time ago, a number of madrasah supervisors and elementary school supervisors in West Lombok district received briefings regarding IKM materials. After the training at that time, the participants then agreed to encourage disseminating IKM materials to schools and madrasah in West Lombok.

The supervisor of West Lombok Madrasah Education who is also the Head of MI Quality Assurance Section Head, Dr. Abdul Hamid, M.Pd., explained that the aspiration of the KKM MIN 2 of West Lombok was in line with the plans of the madrasah supervisors to disseminate IKM materials they had been trained in to various madrasah and schools in West Lombok. In the near future, a number of other KKM will organize the same training, he added.