Language literacy and reading work of the branch staff members of Ma’arif NU Education Institution (LP Ma’arif) received such an incredible appreciation from the visitors of the Education Expo. The expo was held during the National Working Meeting of LP Ma’arif of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) at the Universitas Islam Malang (Unisma) from Friday to Sunday (26-28/08/2022).
The treasurer of LP Ma’arif NU Malang branch, Denik Indah Sulistiowati, explained that the visitors’ enthusiasm to visit the booth of LP Ma’arif NU Malang was really high, from the opening to the closing of the event. The tagline was ‘Language Literacy and Reading to Increase Religious Moderation and Counteract Radicalism’. She explained that LP Ma’arif NU LP Malang has four references in improving language literacy and reading. First, with language, people are able to read, then they need to write and work. Second, intelligent people who do not write books and create works are not remembered in history. Third, the language literacy and reading movement at LP Ma’arif NU Malang increases religious moderation and counteracts radicalism. “Fourth, the digital library of LP Ma’arif NU Malang builds a society that is knowledgeable and implements religious moderation,” she explained.
She said that overall, the works displayed by LP Ma’arif NU Malang came from 25 teachers from five madrasah. “From each school we involve five teachers. The media that we display are numerous, about more than fifty learning media. Most of them use four dimensions, so they look interesting,” she added. Denik said that four-dimensional learning media had their own advantages compared to other media. They have made students more enthusiastic about learning.
“Children are more enthusiastic when they see four-dimensional media than just textbooks, worksheets, and so on. Another advantage is that four-dimensional media have very bright colors, as seen today. So, the children’s interest is extraordinary. Even though learning hasn’t started yet, we just bring the media and the students ask about them,” she explained. She hoped that the results of this language literacy and reading work could set an example for others, that a teacher must have creative and innovative qualities in making learning media.