Based on the Minister of Education and Culture Circular Letter (SE) Number 4 of 2020, all schools in Indonesia are required to implement an educational program called Study from Home or Belajar dari Rumah (BDR). With this condition, teachers are faced with the challenge of being able to effectively manage learning at home. INOVASI has attempted to respond quickly to the current state of education by contributing support to teachers and parents of children in early grade primary school (grades first-third). INOVASI’s contribution is the development of meaningful learning activities for students through Student Worksheets (LKS), which are designed to be used easily, both by adults who still need to assist children and by children who are able to use them independently. One of the parents of a student in Sumenep, East Java recounted her experience in assisting her child to learn by using INOVASI Literacy Worksheet.

Putri Ratih Yunitasari is the parent of one of the students in Andi Lala’s first grade in state elementary school at SDN Pangarangan 3 in Sumenep, East Java. When learning activities had to be carried out from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Putri happily welcomed the LKS distributed by Andi Lala. The LKS had been developed by INOVASI through an online group including student guardians.

As a mother who also works, Putri was pleased with the availability of the LKS. She immediately downloaded all literacy worksheets for elementary school (SD) grades one-three and took the initiative to print these worksheets on her own.

“I intentionally downloaded and printed all the worksheets so that my child would have many choices. This is also because I see that my child is getting bored at home,” she explained.

When she arrived home, Putri gave all the worksheets to her son, who was still in grade one elementary school. She let her son choose the worksheets in which he was interested.

Putri noted that her son was also interested in learning with literacy worksheets created for grade two students. Apparently, these LKS worksheets were chosen because her son, Haikal, was already proficient in reading and arithmetic. It just so happens that this month Haikal will transition to grade two. With these INOVASI worksheets, Haikal has already studied subjects that are actually intended for grade two students.

According to his mother, Haikal greatly enjoys working on the LKS materials developed by INOVASI. Putri also told us that her son really enjoys learning how to make short stories and coloring them.