As an extension of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECRT) in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), Balai Guru Penggerak (BGP), or the teacher training agency, has vigorously made a move. Following up on the Reading Camp training for BGP staff last September, BGP NTT continued the training targeting all districts/cities in NTT. This training was carried out in two batches. The first batch was held on 28 November – 2 December at Aston Kupang Hotel, involving participants from four districts, namely Alor, Malacca, North Central Timor (TTU), and Ngada. A total of 58 participants took part in this first batch of training which came from elements of learning committee teachers, guru penggerak (change agent teachers), teachers at schools implementing Kurikulum Merdeka, supervising coordinators, and head(s) of elementary curriculum section. Meanwhile, the second batch took place on 5-9 December at Hotel Neo, Kupang, which was also attended by 58 participants. They were teachers, head(s) of the elementary school curriculum section, and supervising coordinators from five districts namely Belu, Lembata, Sikka, Rote Ndao, and Sabu Raijua.
Apart from INOVASI, BGP staff who had previously been trained also became facilitators in this training. The material discussed was the concept of Reading Camp and its application in learning, including in the context of the current implementation of Kurikulum Merdeka. Participants also dug deeper into Differentiated Learning, games according to the level of student grouping, and book development which included big books, zigzag books, and mini books.
Officially opening and closing the activities, the Head of BGP NTT, Wirman Kasmayadi emphasized that this activity would not stop here and there would be a coordination meeting with the heads of district/city education offices throughout the NTT province to follow up on the training provided. The coordination meeting took place today (21/12) in Kupang. Wirman hopes that the district/city education offices will be more proactive in designing follow-up activities in their respective areas, while BGP will conduct regular monitoring visits.