[Highlights] Temu INOVASI #4 | Jakarta, 28 November 2018
Voxpop: Why Is It Important to Develop Student’s Skills for The 21st Century?
Voxpop: How Will The Partnership With INOVASI Strengthen Learning Outcomes – Binus
Voxpop: Why Do Partnerships and Collaboration Matter In Education – UNM
[Temu INOVASI #4] Sesi Pasar Ide 2: “Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah”
[Temu INOVASI #4] Sesi Pasar Ide 3: “Kebijakan Pendidikan”
Voxpop: Why Is Enhancing The Quality Of Literacy and Numeracy Important In The Early Grades?
Voxpop: How Will The Partnership With INOVASI Strengthen Learning Outcomes – TBP
Voxpop: How Will The Partnership With INOVASI Strengthen Learning Outcomes – UBT