ASI ASLI (Aplikasi Saring Literasi Anak Sekolah Indonesia) is an innovative digital application deve...
DetailsPak Otnel, a teacher at SDN 004 Mentarang Hulu, Malinau Regency, is highly concerned about the liter...
DetailsBanyak cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru untuk menumbuhkan motivasi belajar siswa. Ibu Heppy guru ...
DetailsBu Yayuk, a teacher of the third graders at SDN 024 Tanjung Selor, decorated the classroom with vari...
DetailsStorybooks helped Thomas Kelvin during the Covid-19 pandemic. Kelvin has special needs that cause hi...
DetailsIn July 2021, twelve teachers from Malinau District and Tana Tidung District, North Kalimantan (Kalt...
DetailsMore than one year of school closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on students' le...
DetailsMuhammad Iksan, an 11 year-old fifth grade student of 013 Buluh Perindu Public Primary School in Tan...
DetailsMarch 2021 marks one year since the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia, causing schools to close. Given...
DetailsIn March 2020, around 147 kindergartens (PAUD), 144 elementary schools (SD), and 62 junior high scho...