INOVASI conducted monitoring visits to 4 partner schools of Organisasi Penggerak Program (POP) of the Indonesian Children’s Literacy Foundation (Yayasan Literasi Anak Indonesia, or YLAI) in Madiun, East Java, on 17-19 January 2023. The elementary schools visited were SD Wayut 3, SD Kuwiran 2, SD Babadan 3, and SD Klumutan 5.
From the monitoring visits, it was found that phonemic activities, reading together, and guided reading activities were well implemented by the POP YLAI partner schools. Teachers were able to implement lessons plans provided and trained by the YLAI team. Several schools were able to take advantage of reading books provided in reading corners to support thematic learning activities (Indonesian language).
All schools have reading corners ready to be used by all students. The number of reading books displayed in reading corners is sufficient to accommodate all children’s reading interest. Most schools have a ratio of 1 student : 2 reading books, even in some schools 1 student : 3 reading books.
Textbooks are also available in some reading corners and have been separated from the reading books. Principals and the Education Office of Madiun district are highly supportive of this reading program. Some schools have done independent scale out through teachers working group (Kelompok Kerja Guru, or KKG). In fact, the Education Office already has a plan to scale out this reading program to sub-districts of Madiun which have not received trainings for this reading activity. Therefore, it is expected that all school representatives in all sub-districts would be able to do independent scale out to the schools in KKG.